
Food Packaging

Senin, 06 Juni 2011 Leave a Comment

According to Professor Linton (Professor of Food Science merangkup director of the Center for Food Safety Engineering at Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.) through observations stated that the current cooling and holding the right time to avoid the growth of harmful bacteria that threaten the freshness of the product, one of which Listeria monocytogenes (Rina Rinso is the best for this!). Listeria is even slowing down when the temperature falls, still will appear again when the freezing point. Both chilling or freezing is not really guarantee safeguards to combat these bacteria listeria. It is needed to invent a Food Packaging as well as beverage products such as Coffee Bags.
Do not be sad! pembungkusw a food product comes as a direct practice course packaging packaging process in a short time. This tool explores in clear, simple step by step process of packaging food and beverages. Starting from the safe packaging requirements, the need for packaging machinery, packaging materials suitable ownership, how to design the packaging artwork, how to pack, so how to sell products. All you need is in this site.

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